
Bachmann electronic GmbH continues on its road to success despite challenging conditions in procurement logistics and the skilled labour market.

Automation, grid measurement and protection, visualisation and the condition monitoring of machines and plants: this is the world of Bachmann. With headquarters in Feldkirch, Austria, and more than 500 employees worldwide, Bachmann is an internationally-oriented and rapidly-expanding company that develops unique automation and system solutions for customers around the globe. Following on from its record year in 2020, Bachmann achieved another excellent year in 2021, increasing the company's turnover to almost 90 million Euros.

This continued and ensured growth despite the ongoing pandemic is mainly thanks to the foresight of the management team. Decisions made many years ago, such as to maintain almost 100% of its value chain, as well as exclusive production at the site in Feldkirch, were just some of the measures that have ensured the company’s stability today. "Another critical success factor is the Bachmann workforce, without this strong team we would never be celebrating such success, and every individual at Bachmann deserves a huge thank you!" says CEO Bernhard Zangerl proudly.

Conditions once again look very favorable for 2022 and business is already booming during the first months of the year. However, forward planning is becoming a challenge due to increasing uncertainty in both the procurement market for electronic components and the skilled labor market. The cost of standard components has risen by about 35% on the previous year, for example, and in some cases even up to 100%. In addition, Bachmann currently has more than 25 open positions for skilled labor that urgently need to be filled. Despite these challenges, the company is confident of continued success in 2022 and there is a very strong sense of community amongst the Bachmann employees.

Bachmann is the global market leader in automation and condition monitoring of turbines in the wind energy industry. Bachmann know-how is present in almost one third of the world’s wind turbines, where it helps to ensure the efficient production of renewable energy. Since 2000, Bachmann has enjoyed great success in this area, and now considers itself well prepared for the necessary expansion of renewable energies. Other energy technologies are also at the forefront for Bachmann. Hydropower, combined heat and power, and battery storage system automation have long been core competences for the company. Over the coming years, the key focus of development at Bachmann will be on energy autonomy from decentralized energy generators and the corresponding storage systems.

But it is not only in the energy sector that Bachmann has secured market share through technological leadership; Bachmann is also a sought-after expert in the maritime industry. Concepts such as autonomous shipping, green ship technology and the standardization and connectivity of ship control systems are all part of Bachmann’s plan for future success.

The industrial automation sector is also taking giant strides forward. Following the recovery of the mechanical engineering industry in Central Europe, 2021 saw Bachmann achieve record results in this sector. "Competition from the big players such as Siemens is particularly tough in this field, but with our quality and unique system reliability we can score points and successfully assert ourselves in important production areas of the industry," explains Head of Industry Leopold Matouschek.

“It takes constant effort to maintain and secure our position in different markets. But it is precisely these different markets that make it possible to ride out regional or global fluctuations. It is therefore important that our high-tech technologies can be easily adapted to different market requirements, and that we pursue an efficient R&D policy for our solutions," explains Daniel Pfeifer, Technical Manager at Bachmann. At around 20% of sales, the rate of investment in development is very much focused on future success, alongside career opportunities for specialists in the fields of hardware and software.

Across the Bachmann Group’s 24 locations, the team is in good spirits, confident that they will master future challenges and remain on the road to success. It is second nature at the company for employees to roll up their sleeves and move forward positively with team spirit and an eye on the big picture. Thus, the ambitious target of 100 million Euros in sales for 2022 could easily become reality, maintaining the company on its course of continuous growth.