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Secure your investment, and much more.


Bachmann draws on decades of experience in wind turbine automation. With thousands of DNV-certified monitoring systems worldwide, and customized Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) solutions, we deliver a tailor-made service according to your unique requirements, either pre-build or as a retrofit.

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Playing the Long Game

We provide:
  • Tailored project engineering & SHM system design
  • Complete hardware & software packages
  • SHM data that can be used as an input for a state-of-the-art digital twin
  • Support with various sensor setups, including FE model based load detection, based on acceleration measurement
  • Integration of 3rd party hardware
  • Project realization & project management
  • Automated data generation & post-processing, correctly formatted for external review
  • Data analysis & reporting from our remote monitoring center
Condition Monitoring System
We monitor:
  • Structural resonances
  • Changes in eigenfrequencies
  • Tower and foundation fatigue
  • Extreme loads
  • Main load direction
  • Environmental conditions
  • Other specific parameters

The better the condition, the stronger the performance

Permanent monitoring

Continuous monitoring of structural fatigue and damage status that meets all current requirements for operating permit issue and extension.

Consistent foresight

Strategic, predictive maintenance to reduce OPEX and minimize downtime.

Proven ability

Make your installation compliant with relevant offshore requirements, including those of the German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH).

Results tracking

Data provision and data analysis for independent asset assessment and conclusive reporting.

Quick reactions

Early failure detection for faster maintenance responses and preventative action.

Minimize LCoE and drive the future

Optimal operations management

Targeted SHM enables operators to identify high-risk operating conditions and minimize structural damage by reducing or avoiding operation during such conditions.

Predictive maintenance

SHM provides operators with advanced warning about impending structural failures, enabling a predictive approach to maintenance with minimal and well-planned downtime.

Lower OPEX

Reactive maintenance actions have a direct and incalculable impact on earnings. SHM enables well-planned offshore maintenance activities, accounting for environmental and logistical conditions, thus resulting in significant cost savings in the short, medium, and long term.

Lifetime extension

The right SHM design can determine actual loads, compared with designed loads, for each turbine in the park. This provides a basis for possible operating license extension, allowing the operation to continue beyond the originally planned lifetime.

Retrofitting for long-term operation

SHM retrofits for legacy turbines can extend operating lifetimes and preserves park capacity, getting more out of the entire installation.

Strategic operation

Based on SHM data, operators can actively choose to increase the efficiency of energy production or maximize turbine lifetimes, considering both commercial and technical drivers.

Stronger players

SHM data can be used to optimize the design of next-generation wind turbines. Critical areas and features can be strengthened and improved to deliver even better results far into the future.

Full compliance

Operating permits for offshore wind turbines depend increasingly on compliance with legal requirements and standards for comprehensive structural monitoring. With our SHM, we ensure the implementation of the correct requirements for your individual project.

Total sensor package

Comprehensive SHM requires surprisingly few sensors. We provide every type of relevent sensor for reliable structural monitoring:

  • Accelerometer
  • Inclinometer
  • Strain Gauges
  • Atmospheric Sensors
  • Grout Performance
  • Corrosion Probes

The Cantilever Sensor – perfect for structural monitoring

Cantilever sensors offer a long-term, robust, and reliable alternative to conventional strain gauges. They are easy to apply and enable integral measurement over a longer reference distance. This makes them ideally suited for the direct detection of representative loads over the entire structure.

V2 CLS300 Sensoren Detail_lichtpunkt_bearb
HOFI Holger Fritsch
»Offshore Structural Health Monitoring from Bachmann, part of our holistic Condition Monitoring solutions package, delivers exactly the long-term security, operational optimization and lifetime extension that appeals to both investors and operators alike.« Holger Fritsch General Manager, Bachmann Monitoring GmbH

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