Nordex zeichnet Bachmann als "herausragenden Lieferanten" aus
Zuverlässigkeit und Kundenzufriedenheit –
besser geht nicht.
Die Nordex Energy SE & Co. KG hat Bachmann electronic GmbH und Bachmann Monitoring GmbH höchstes Lob für ihre Liefertreue ausgesprochen.
In einer aktuellen Stellungnahme verweist Nordex auf die "konsequente und termingerechte Belieferung mit Produkten", die "wesentlich zum Erfolg unseres Geschäftsbetriebes beigetragen hat".
Nordex bezeichnet Bachmann als einen "hervorragenden Lieferanten", der sich durch "Pünktlichkeit, Liebe zum Detail und Engagement für die Kundenzufriedenheit" auszeichnet.
Wir bedanken uns bei Nordex für dieses große Lob und freuen uns auf eine weiterhin erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit!
Vollständige Stellungnahme von Nordex zur Lieferzuverlässigkeit/Lieferantenzuverlässigkeit
"Nordex highly recommends Bachmann Electronic GmbH and Bachmann Monitoring GmbH, hereinafter referred to as “Bachmann Group”, for their deliver reliability. Their consistent and timely delivery of products has greatly contributed to the success of our business operations. Their attention to detail and commitment to meeting deadlines have ensured that we receive our supplies on time.
Bachmann Group have consistently demonstrated their ability to meet our requirements, regardless of the order size or complexity. Their efficient logistical operations and effective communication have fostered a seamless working relationship. We have not experienced many delays or issues with their deliveries, which has allowed us to plan and execute our projects with confidence. If we translate this into numbers, the OTIF (on-time in full) rate achieved by Bachmann Monitoring is 94,5% and the OTIF rate achieved by Bachmann Electronic is 93,2%.
Their dedication to customer satisfaction is evident through their proactive approach in resolving any potential delivery challenges. Even in unforeseen circumstances, they have displayed remarkable adaptability and problem-solving skills to ensure that our needs are met without compromise.
Furthermore, the quality of their delivered products has consistently met our expectations. We have complete trust in the reliability and integrity of their supply chain, knowing that we will consistently receive top-notch goods that adhere to the highest standards.
In summary, Bachmann Group is an outstanding supplier when it comes to deliver reliability. Their punctuality, attention to detail, and commitment to customer satisfaction make them an invaluable partner for any business. We are grateful for their exceptional service and look forward to continuing our prosperous collaboration."
Ausgestellt von: Nordex Energy SE &. Co. KG