M1 webMI pro
Web HMI with SCADA character, directly on the M200 controller

Native web technology used
M1 webMI pro makes it possible to use the advantages of web technologies entirely without restrictive add-ons such as browser plugins. All visualization devices from smartphones to powerful operator terminals can be connected, operated and monitored via a web server integrated directly on the M200 controller. Wherever and whenever the process requires it.
High-quality user interface
Integration into the powerful M200 controller shows the performance offered by modern web technologies: Even with data refresh rates of well under 100 ms and hundreds of animated graphic elements, flicker-free display is guaranteed. The additional resources required are minimal.
With SVG based visualization, users benefit from perfectly rendered graphics at any zoom level. To meet demanding visualization requirements, webMI pro offers the ability to import graphic objects created by graphic designers. These can be created in graphic editors and imported into the project. The imported graphic objects can be made dynamic afterwards with the webMI pro engineering tool.
Ready for every front end
When it comes to implementing visualizations, webMI pro offers a great deal of flexibility. For instance, simple SVG based visualizations can be developed easily via drag and drop. If special requirements are necessary, webMI pro offers the ability to develop HTML-based controls and embed them in the visualization environment. Modern web frameworks can be used for highly individualized visualizations. Developers have at their disposal all the libraries and tools used by the web community to create web applications.
Unique chart functions
Integration of the Scope 3 software oscilloscope in webMI pro makes data analysis in the microsecond range possible. Using the included trend component, data on the controller can be recorded in real time (up to 100 microseconds sampling rate) and displayed directly in the visualization. In addition, it is also possible to reload data archives by a time query and to navigate in the recordings. In mixed mode, both archive and live data can be displayed in a diagram.
The data provided by Scope 3 can be used not only in the trend component, but in the entire visualization environment. A programming library with which your own user interface components can access scope data is available for this purpose.
More than just an HMI
All components required for fast and efficient implementation of professional visualizations are integrated into the range of functions in webMI pro. In addition to integrated alarming and historization of control data, an extensive object catalogue that can be expanded and adapted as desired is offered for visualization.
Thanks to fully graphic project planning and dynamization, the creation of visualizations is simple and possible without programming knowledge. Project teams benefit from the integrated online multi-user engineering capability of webMI pro. All project team members can work together on the same visualization project and updates to implemented components are immediately visible, without having to restart the visualization server or compile the project.
Special requirements for the visualization can be realized via client-side scripting, there are practically no limits to the possibilities. If there are special requirements in the interaction between visualization and controller, the flexible hook interface of webMI pro can be used. It can be used to implement function calls easily on the M200 controller, which can be called up conveniently via the visualization. The entire range of functions of the Bachmann M200 controller is available in the programming.
- Directly integrated on the Bachmann M200 controller
- Implemented strictly using web technology
- Device and operating system-independent visualization (PC/Mac/ Unix, tablet, smart phone, iPad, etc.)*
- Client-server architecture (multi-client)
- Flexible design of the visualization (SVG-based to fully customised, based on modern web frameworks)
- Online multiuser engineering fully supported graphically
- Integrated alarming and historisation of variables
- Extensive and modularly expandable object catalogue (standard controls, trend component, alarm list, historical list, etc.)
- High-resolution data recording with Scope 3 integration
- Customisable via client-side scripting
- Management of multiple project configurations through integrated version management
- Online language selection
- Integrated access control for access to project content and visualization
* Detailed information on supported operating systems and web browsers can be found at www.atvise.com and accessed in the "System Requirements" area.