
WebLog Expert® is Bachmann’s client based software tool, which allows detailed analysis of vibration data and gives access to configuration of the system parameters for Bachmann hardware. As a client software WebLog Expert® must be installed on the users’ PC, and as such is licensed software.

The package provides a comprehensive range of facilities for alarm handling, trend data display, data correlation, diagnostic data interrogation, and Failure Mode Symptoms Analysis support and severity analysis.

Configuration tools are provided to set up the monitoring hardware and the appropriate data processing routines for advanced analysis techniques.

This is the same software package as the Bachmann remote monitoring team uses for their work, including commissioning and investigations as well as routine monitoring. The database servers used are the same as for WebLog, so customers who wish to use these advanced diagnostic capabilities need not host data themselves. If desired, Bachmann also supports the customer´s own hosting.

All functions and possibilities available within this software, developed for expert use, are explained to users through training courses.


  • Advanced analysis and diagnostics
  • Permits you to access the full power of your condition monitoring system
  • Configuration of all the data collection and analysis parameters
  • Powerful alerting and trending options
  • Fully integrated with Weblog
  • Cloud compatible


Weblog Expert® in use

The turbines are accessed via a tree view, although a map based selection may also be used if preferred.

On selecting a specific turbine the user has access to the Characteristic Values (CVs) required for diagnostics, and can filter appropriate to the preferred workflow.

Graphics and trend functions

Trend data can be configured to provide information about error severity. Various tools are available for compiling error statistics.

As soon as a CV is selected the trend and the latest individual measurement are shown.

From a trend graph, the user can move directly to the raw time signal or spectral data underlying the CVs.

The kinematic frequencies associated with the CVs can be overlaid on the plots, or alternative kinematic frequencies associated with other parts of the machine selected.

Specific frequencies can be selected and a trend of these frequencies back-calculated.

Data from multiple turbines can be overlaid allowing cross farm or cross fleet comparisons to be made, assisting with diagnostics and making the job of the analyst easier.

Display facilities and data API

All the usual display facilities of zoom, cursors, overlays of multiple turbines or channels and X-Y plotting are available. A data API is also available to allow downloading of data for those who wish to develop their own algorithms. A waterfall plot is available, which can be rotated to the optimum display angle to show the required part of the spectrum.

There is also a feature to define failure mode symptoms groups, so that a number of related CVs can be tracked simultaneously.

Template system

As an integral part of our monitoring process WebLog Expert® gives full access to our commission tools. This is supported by a template system whereby the settings for a single turbine can be saved and transferred to similar machines.

The system can also generate suggested values for thresholds, to speed up the commissioning process and ease the setting of deadbands when alarms have fired.

Deadbands are a mechanism to ensure that any alarms which are currently under surveillance do not proceed too much further before a reminder is sent.

Ticket system

The software also provides full access to the ticket system, into which graphics files can be directly copied. WebLog Expert® also supports automated report generation onto user specified templates.

WebLog Interface

If you have CMS data from other providers, we can implement a WebLog Interface to bring that data into the WebLog platform, including post processing to generate diagnostic CVs, analog to those generated on Bachmann systems. In this way, all monitoring is carried out by WebLog Expert®, so that the entire process can be standardized, which would not be possible if multiple software solutions were used.

WebLog Expert® therefore delivers all the capabilities expected of a modern condition monitoring system and more. With a highly integrated display layout the system is designed to support Bachmann´s monitoring processes, and can also help you to optimize your own


For a software package as comprehensive as WebLog, it is inevitable that some training will be required. Our wide range of training extends from courses for beginners, which present WebLog Expert® case studies of typical error modes, to advanced configuration training, where users learn how to optimally configure systems, thresholds and alarms acc. to their monitoring requirements.


WebLog Expert® System Requirements
Client PC
Operating systemWindows
ApplicationsMicrosoft Office
Communication protocolhttps-connection to WebLog Server


WebLog Expert®

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System overview
