Guaranteed Expertise

Alongside its standard products, Bachmann also offers tailored solutions according to the respective application. Ready to implement. Adaptable as required.

Setting new standards, thinking ahead, as well as responding quickly and flexibly to new challenges – these are the tasks to which we are committed in securing the critical competitive edge for our customers. All our activities are focused on the benefit to the customer: We deliver tailored solutions and set ourselves the highest standards. The independence we have in development and production enables us to tackle specific market and customer requirements with passion and commitment every day. 

Our broad and modular product range meets really every customer requirement. We provide you with a homogeneous and holistic system solution that also ensures a high level of availability and is future proof. We offer you everything from a single source and at the highest quality. Our automation systems stand out on account of their extraordinary robustness, high performance and open interfaces. The latest and most innovative platform for your branch specific requirements.

Branch-specific solutions

Product overview

Wind Power SCADA (WPS)Specific SCADA system for the wind energy industry 
Wind Turbine Template (WTT)Software package as a direct entry point into the implementation of a turbine controller software program

System overview
