
As an established leader in the field of wind turbine condition monitoring, Bachmann provides the entire chain of hardware, software and service to support condition monitoring.

Our portfolio is being continuously further developed and updated. We offer modular system solutions, which are individually configured for any turbine or machine type.

Wind turbine owners and operators alike are facing increasing pressure to deliver higher productivity, affordable energy, and better investor returns. Strategic use of CM data can uncover potential cost savings, by optimizing your entire maintenance strategy, thus reducing downtime, and improving reliability. Let our CM consultants help you unlock the enormous benefits from a strategic approach to condition monitoring, through predictive maintenance, lifetime extension and other optimization possibilities.

Our Condition Monitoring Consultancy (CMC) team delivers knowledge right into the palm of your hand. Our qualified and experienced consultants give you access to a wealth of know-how to help you make better informed decisions. Choose the CMC team as your reliable, trusted partner to unlock the full potential of strategic condition monitoring (CM) with robust operational solutions and smooth, customized implementation.


Your Benefits

  • Access to a clear perspective based on many years of monitoring
    experience in the field
  • Access to the latest, most up-to-date industry knowledge and
    CM tools
  • Independent, neutral advice
  • Access to the technical expertise of the Bachmann Group without any obligation to implement Bachmann technology
  • Tailor-made maintenance strategy for your unique installation
    and business model


Typical Condition Monitoring Consultancy services include:

Problem Solving & Corrective Actions 

Our team is ready to respond rapidly to an acute failure and get your installation back up and running as soon as possible, reducing the cost of downtime. We carry out a detailed analysis to identify the source of the failure and avoid any future recurrence in this or other similar plants.

Condition Monitoring Specification 

CMC will support you to identify the appropriate techniques to deliver the CM information that you need to underpin your maintenance processes, whether this relates to a single machine or an entire plant. 

Strategic Maintenance & Risk Management 

CMC will design a maintenance strategy according to your business model and your risk management preferences to deliver the fastest possible ROI and put you in control of your maintenance strategy

Root Cause Analysis & FMEA 

We apply our expertise & experience, current research and industry regulations to analyze the cause of failures and deliver a comprehensive Failure Mode & Effects Analysis (FMEA); a critical component for reducing the cost of maintenance and selecting the best outsourcing model for CM processes.

Independent Advice 

The CMC team is qualified and certified to act as a neutral expert.


Condition Monitoring Consultancy

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System overview
