
The Device Manager contains a complete configuration tool for creation of PROFIBUS® configurations for master and slave applications of the M200 system. Devices from any manufacturer can be added to the catalog via their standardized device description file in GSD format, and can be integrated in the configuration.

The PROFIBUS® Configurator enables the creation of networks with an M200 controller as master station and multiple slave stations. Likewise, M200 DP slave stations can either be configured together with an M200 master, or a pure slave configuration can be created for an M200. In this regard the slave stations can be additional M200 controllers or also standard-conformant SubDevices from other manufacturers. For an M200 controller a pure slave configuration can also be created. For this station a GSD file can be exported that facilitates integration in a different configuration tool.

On the master and slave station the configurator automatically generates logical I/O modules for access to the process data that permit an immediate diagnostics and signal test via the Device Manager and enable easy integration into the process image. Bitcoded values can in this manner be conveniently split into the individual DI or DO signals and given symbolic channel names, without the necessity of masking out the bits in the application program.



  • Graphic network configuration
  • Catalog for managing device description files in GSD format
  • Generates complete network configurations for applications with M200 as master
  • Generates reduced configuration for applications with M200 as slave, if a master from a different manufacturer is used
  • Exports GSD files for configured M200 SubDevices for use in other tools
  • Flexible creation of access channels that organize the byte stream of the PROFIBUS® in handy process values


PROFIBUS® Configurator

PROFIBUS® Configurator EN
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PROFIBUS® Configurator EN
PROFIBUS® Konfigurator DE
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PROFIBUS® Konfigurator DE

System overview
