
WebLog Portal is a web-based user interface giving customers of Bachmann’s condition monitoring service access to their data, drawn from the WebLog Server database. This may include data from other manufacturers’ systems, imported using the WebLog Interface.

WebLog Portal provides a simple interface to the latest results and tickets generated from the monitoring service. Access can be customised to the specific turbines of interest to a user, which may be a fleet view or a site view, or maybe even a turbine view.

The user interface shows a map based list of current alarms or tickets, which the user can use to zoom in to the turbine of most interest to them.

The next level gives a turbine mimic with the parts of the turbine coloured according to the severity of current outstanding messages and a list of the relevant tickets.

We can provide basic training to help customers gain a deeper insight into the Tickets we send to you, in order to improve your maintenance scheduling and understanding of your machines’ dynamic behaviour.

WebLog Portal runs in all major Browsers and is adapted for use on tablets and phones.



WebLog Portal delivers the information needed to drive a predictive maintenance approach. It is not intended as the platform for expert analysis of individual spectra, although it does deliver some graphical capabilities and access to your data.

The list of tickets allows you to interrogate the current maintenance actions still outstanding.

For a fleet overview, you can simply access a list of all outstanding tickets, with a choice of filters and search options to help you manage your portfolio.

Each individual ticket contains the thread of all the communications linked with that event.  

The entire history of warnings received, maintenance actions and findings can be accessed. As field feedback, to support data analysts e.g. with inspection results, new messages can be created at the click of a button.

The Visualisation tool provides a simple trending tool for turbines currently showing alarms or with outstanding tickets.

Limited access to more detailed visualisations is provided via clicking on the trend plot.


WebLog Portal

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WebLog Portal EN
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WebLog Portal DE

System overview
